Bold and the Beautiful

Bold and beautiful preview: Luna receives alarming pregnancy test results and….

Bold and beautiful preview: Luna receives alarming pregnancy test results and….
Joshua Hoffman, Lisa Yamada, Delon De Metz
"The Bold and the Beautiful" Set Gallery Shoot
CBS Television City
Los Angeles, Ca.
© Howard Wise/

May 16 promises to be a humongous one for Bold & Beautiful ingenue Luna: She’ll find out the results of her pregnancy test.

Given that the soap loves nothing better than “Who’s the daddy?” storylines, odds are that RJ’s girlfriend will turn out to be expecting in the wake of her special-mints-fueled hookup with his cousin Zende. But of course finding out that she’s pregnant won’t answer all of Luna’s questions. “Who’s the daddy?” will still be hanging over her head.

If the baby is RJ’s — here’s why that’s so likely — there’s not a whole lotta conflict to be played. Though Luna isn’t ready to be a mom, he can assure her that Forrester kids grow up mostly off screen with nannies or Aunt Donna. A child at this stage in Luna’s life, RJ could suggest, would barely be an inconvenience.

So the smart money is on Luna being pregnant by Zende. That jacks up the tension in the triangle that the show is trying so hard to make happen by giving him an uncuttable tie to his crush.

Perhaps it will even open the door to Bold & Beautiful remembering that Zende only pursued Luna in the first place to stick it to RJ and that he macked on her despite her saying repeatedly that she was not interested, she was happily involved with his cousin.

Maybe the show will decide to turn him into a villainous cad after all and play a storyline in which he tries to manipulate and control Luna the way A.J. did Carly on General Hospital after their one-night stand resulted in the birth of baby Michael.

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