Royal News

Cancer-stricken King Charles performs life-saving manoeuvre

King Charles attempts to perform CPR on a medical test mannequin

Cancer-stricken King Charles performs life-saving manoeuvre
Cancer-stricken King Charles performs life-saving manoeuvre

King Charles, who’s still receiving his cancer treatment, has performs life-saving manoeuvre during a special event celebrating the 1,000th RCN King’s Nursing Cadet.

The 76-year-old monarch burst into laughter as he attempted to perform CPR on a medical test mannequin at the Royal College of Nursing. He giggled as he placed his hands on the mannequin.

Inspired by the then Prince of Wales’ idea to help cadets acquire new skills and assist in areas such as healthcare, The Royal College of Nursing’s (RCN) King’s Nursing Cadet Scheme aims to help young people develop essential skills needed to start a career in nursing.

During his visit, the monarch met cadets from across the UK who are undertaking or have completed the nursing cadet programme, which allows cadets to carry out 40 hours of teaching and learning experience plus 20 hours of clinical observation in a healthcare environment.

Cancer-stricken King Charles performs life-saving manoeuvre

The programme is designed for young people between the ages of 16 and 25 from across the United Kingdom. The participants receive a certificate recognising their achievement.

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