
The Crew Just Kept Staring at This Outfit Amanda Wore on Gunsmoke – Look Closer

Gunsmoke started as a radio show and later moved onto television. It had 20 seasons and over 600 episodes. If you’re a fan of the show, you probably think you know everything about it. But, in this video, we’re going to give you a look at some little known and interesting facts about the show.

Amanda Blake, who played Miss Kitty, is one of the most memorable characters on the show. This isn’t just because of her acting – her beauty was entrancing and kept viewers watching every episode! As one of the most beautiful actresses of her time, it’s only natural that she got attention for her attractive outfits. But keep an eye out for one particular outfit that she wore on Gunsmoke – there’s a reason we’re STILL talking about it! Sadly, this might also be part of the reason why Miss Kitty left Gunsmoke.

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